Ya'll remember me saying that not much happens around here? Well, yesterday we had us a little excitement. About 9 AM Cletus said he was heading down to the blue store. Well, he comes back a few minutes later. I knew something was up cause it takes a lot longer than that to get there & back. Plus, he usually stays & catches up on all the gossip..,uh I mean, local news.
Cletus comes in the house & says that there's a car in the creek. Now, our creek runs parallel to the road & has lots of steep banks. "A car in the creek!" I said. "Is there anybody in it?" "No" he says. "It's a black Taurus". He said I should go down & get some photos of it. Then, he headed back out to the store.
So, I take the camera on down the hill & snap a bunch of pictures from all kinds of angles. I then notice it doesn't have a tag on it. Now that looks really suspicious. Cletus comes back from the store & says he's going to call the Sheriff. He also says there have been some break-ins in the area. Several neighbors have seen this car creeping around.
Well, instead of the Sheriff, a Highway Patrolman comes up. He's a real nice fella too. Cletus had a good time talking to him while they waited on the wrecker to get here. I went back down with the camera & got some shots of the wrecker pulling the car out of the creek. We also pulled some "evidence" out of the creek. The car was registered to somebody 2 counties over from us. Who ever was in the car probably had a long, cold, miserable walk back to town.
We're waiting to hear if there's any connection to the break-ins. I'll keep you posted. I know you've got to be hanging of the edge of your seat! In the meantime, did I tell you about the time an ambulance went up our road? Sirens blasting & everything!.......
UPDATE: The latest story is that the car was stolen from a neighbors house. He had been doing some repairs on it for the owner.
One other thing happened that day. While we were out on the road talking to the Highway Patrolman, a white car came up the road. Now instead of stopping or trying to pass through, it turned into our driveway,went across the bridge & all the way up to our house. This is highly unusual, it's a long way up to our house, plus 'round here as we don't get too many strangers going onto folks' property. If they have any sense that is.
The HP asked "You know those folks?" We said, "Naw, don't know who they are". Cletus was about to go up & see what it was they wanted when the HP said " I'll go, that's my job". See, he was thinking that they might have something to do with the car in the creek & got spooked when they say him.
Well, he met them at the bottom of the drive but some bushes blocked his view of them till he was right at them. Well, I saw the car back down the drive & back onto a side road to turn around. Then I saw the passenger get out of the car & get into the drivers seat. They switched drivers! The HP didn't see that.
We saw them talk a while & then they both headed back out to the road, with the HP in the lead. We stopped him & told him what I saw. He said they said that they were looking for the trout pond. Right! He had checked the driver out (the one that used to be a passenger).
Before they pulled out onto the road they stopped & asked us where the trout pond was. I told them & they went on their way. That was the end of that. I still think it was mighty suspicious.
Well, a neighbor told us later that the folks in the white car had gone up the road in the opposite direction (of the trout pond they was looking for) & trespassed again. This time they got a gun in their face & was told to git!
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