- Cutting back: One of the main things we cut out was eating out. It's too expensive. You don't know what's in the food, how it's prepared or who prepared it. Making you own meals is much more satisfying, taste better & can have much better ingredients. It's best if you grow your own vegetable & meat. If you can't do that then find a farmer or market that sells quality produce. In the case of vegetables, organic is best. In the case of meats, free range hormone free is best. The farmers markets are the best place to start. There are specialty grocery stores that carry organic, free range meats. Conventional grocers are starting to carry organic,free range veggies & meats. Ask your local grocer to stock these products. They really do taste better!
How many pair of shoes do you really need? Who really cares if you wear the same dress or suit to every wedding or funeral? Our ancestors got along just fine with a minimal amount of clothes. I sure wouldn't pay the prices they charge in the department stores. There are some great bargains to be found in thrift stores. They not only have gently used items they also get donations of new items from those same high priced department stores! If you need more than 1 dresser & 1 closet to put your clothes in, you've got too many clothes!
Organize your trips to town. I've got it to where I only make 1 or 2 trips to town a week. I've cut my gasoline bill quite a bit. I don't run to the store (nearest is 6 miles away) everytime I need something.
- Take on many jobs: These are my current occupations

Ebay Seller: I sell stuff that comes my way on Ebay. Mostly, I'm selling the stuff that I put in the basement when we downsized. I also sell on other auctions sites, yard sale groups & forums. Where ever I think the item I'm selling would be appropriate.
Please visit my Ebay
Sign Maker: I make a little extra by designing & making signs.

Carpenters' Helper: We've been lucky enough to find work at the neighbors house. They've completely renovated their house. Cletus has done a lot of the work. I've helped out when he'll let me.
Chief Cook: I've saved us a lot of money by learning to make meals from scratch. I don't buy prepackaged food. I buy the ingredients it takes to make the food. Yes, it takes longer but it's much cheaper & hopefully healthier. Now, I don't claim that I make every single thing that we eat, but I'm working on it.
Mystery Shopper: I can pick up a little cash & get some things I already would buy for free!
You can do this too. It just takes imagination & motivation. Here's my motivation & my office!

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