It's hard to believe but after 5 years of wanting chickens we finally got chickens! Last week Cletus built a real nice chicken coop under the shed lean-to. It's about 6'x12', nice and roomy. He used 6' x 10' dog lot panels for the outside lot.
While Cletus was putting the finishing touches on the chicken coop, Tony (whom I'll introduce you to in a future post) and I went to see Matt the Chicken Man. I'd been talking to Matt through a local Yahoo Poultry group. We were looking for Laying Hens and didn't want to start with chicks this late in the season.
So from Matt we got some 8 week old Pullets. Originally we had wanted Buff Orpingtons. They have a reputation of being good meat birds and layers. They also have a good disposition. But, since Matt didn't have any Orps we decided not to be picky. He had some fine looking birds. We wound up getting 5 Wyandottes, 4 Ameracaunas and 1 Barred Rock. They are all beautiful, good natured birds. Since we don't plan to eat these particular hens, all that matters is they lay plenty of eggs.
We got them home and settled in. They adapted to their new home quickly. After a few days of getting them used to their new home, we started letting them out during the day to free range. They are absolutely loving all the goodies they are finding.
So far we haven't had any trouble out of predators. However, our dogs think it's their job to chase them around. They are used to chasing anything that moves out in the woods. I've tried to explain to them the difference, but I don't think they get it. I'm hoping the novelty will wear off and they'll just leave them alone. Same goes for the cat. I think she's already bored with them since she can't catch them.

We're having a great time watching the chickens and getting to know their personalities. Every day they venture a little bit farther from their coop, exploring their new world.
Now, I wonder where I can get some ducks...